Saturday 27 November 2021

God's Prophetic Timetable

 Over the years, God has inspired me to write about God's prophetic calendar for the body of Christ. This theme has grown in me from year to year. The Holy Spirit spoke to me about this theme through Chuck Pierce's ministry in 2013. Now, as I venture into writing about the sovereignty of God through His prophetic time clock, I can't help to wonder what he has in store for us as believers and for the world. The church's calling is to disciple nations for the glory of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. In the excellent book 'A Time Advance' by Chuck Pierce, I am going to discuss: summaries of the truths, principles and concepts taught in the book; A record of what the Lord has said to me specifically through the book; and how my life has changed as a result of applying the truths revealed in this book.

Chuck Pierce writes as cataclysmic natural disasters of epic proportions, as well as political and economic upheaval, continued to erupt throughout the world; I feel an urgency to get this book into the hands of as many believers as possible. In times such as these, the body of Christ must learn and listen for gods prophetic voice and come into alignment with his purposes and timing. I agree with Chuck's assertions that these are critical times that we are living. We can learn a lot from having a Hebraic mindset concerning God's plans. In His word, God gave us the alignment of the twelve tribes of Israel and their connection with the twelve months of the Hebraic calendar.

Speaking of the Hebraic calendar, the Holy Spirit has revealed a blueprint for partnering with His sovereignty. In the 'Through the Bible' Penetauch course (the first five books of the Bible), we can see a pattern of hearing and seeing God's voice through times, seasons, and movements of the tribes of Isreal. We can see the design through the feast of the Lord. When we become positioned correctly, we can look at the time and the concept of how God established the tribes to understand the fullness of how God operates. As we dive into this book, we are entering into a time of intense spiritual warfare. The issue comes down to us moving into a realm of the greater revelation of the word and entering into the freedom of the Holy Spirit in a new way.

In the Old Testament book of Exodus, Chapter 19 verse 6, the Israelites received the Torah ( the first five books of the Bible). The Israelites received the Torah at the festival of Shavuot or Pentecost. Shavuot is also known as the Festival of Revelation.

We need to receive a new revelation of God's plans and purposes. We have to walk by faith to understand His plans. We have to have the eyes of our hearts open by the Holy Spirit. I believe that we have encountered the seven spirits of God for wisdom and revelation. God is awakening a prophetic people who know his voice and who walk in his ways! He is seeking people who will not be pressed into the mould of the world but rather who walked by the Spirit, who will do the works of Jesus in the world.

It is time that we learn how to walk in the cycles of blessing that God has provided for His church. I believe these blessings are revealed in the Torah and throughout the Bible. We need to understand the benefits of God to walk in his favour. Once we recognise his hand in leading us into our destiny, the more we will see the plans and purposes of God manifesting on the earth. Deuteronomy 28, verses 1-14, talked about receiving God's blessings and what they will accomplish in our lives. God released Abraham's blessings were released onto the nation of Israel.


 We get a chance to see if the Israelites would obey the voice of the Lord that they were walking in the blessing, and that blessing would catapult them into the promised land. However, if they disobeyed the voice of the Lord, then these curses would come upon the Israelites. We have to go back and review the nation of Israel as they transitioned from Egypt into their promised land. The transition is an excellent example for us to enter into the promised land that God has for our lives.

 We need the blessing of Abraham to be prosperous and everything that God has in store for us. We read and John chapter fifteen that we must stay connected to the vine, which is Jesus. We cannot bear fruit unless we abide in the vine. This abiding means that we must have the blessing in the favour and the strength and everything else they got wants to give to us through Jesus Christ our Lord. In Ephesians chapter one, we read that we've received every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. We cannot accomplish our assignments on earth without these spiritual blessings from Christ Jesus.

To understand God's cycle of blessings, we need to understand the feast of the Lord. As an overview of the biblical calendar, there are three appointed times mentioned in scripture:

·       the first is Passover, celebrated in early spring during March or April.

·       Next comes Pentecost, which is celebrated in late spring during May or June.

·       Finally, there is the Feast of Tabernacles, celebrated in the fall during September or October

all three of these feasts are three dimensional, and each one has three distinct aspects:

the feast of Passover began the biblical calendar. The first month and God cycle of redemption is a cluster of three closely related feasts: Passover, unleavened bread, and 1st fruits. Passover was instituted when God demonstrated his mighty power in delivering Israel from Egypt. The theme of Passover is deliverance through the blood of the lamb. Part of the celebration of Passover involves the cleansing of our homes from impurity.

The feast of Pentecost, held in the third month of the biblical calendar, is a Tri-fold celebration thanking God for his provision. This feast celebrates Gods blessing for the wheat harvest, which gathered in at the time of the year the word the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, which took place at Pentecost and the Holy Spirit the outpouring of his power and acts.

The feast of tabernacle's, held in the 7th month, is a cluster of three closely related events: the feast of trumpets,  Rosh Hashanah, the day of atonement, Yom Kippur, the feast of the tabernacles. This feast celebrates gods glory coming down and dwelling among the Israelites as they dwelt in the tabernacle's temporary shelters or tents in the wilderness; the focus of the feasts is always the experience of God's glory.


How to move from blessing to blessing is an exciting revelation. The revelation of blessing comes to mind in Genesis Chapter twelve, verses one and two. It states, "12 Now the Lord had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, From your family And from your father's house To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great, And you shall be a blessing. Genesis 12:1-2.

Now let us get into the portion of the tribes. The Israelites are getting ready to move into their promised land; they have transitioned from Egypt through the wilderness on their way into their promised land. The promise God made to Abraham Isaac and Jacob. As believers can take from their example, the issue is that we need to transition ourselves from each up into our promised land. This transition into our promised land could be a challenge. It takes trusting and Lord, having the confidence to inherit the promises that God has given us, and understanding the plans and purposes of God for lives. Going through the five books of the Old Testament part of the Bible, watching how the intents and purposes of God have unfolded from Adam up to Moses has been fascinating. I have learned a lot so far from examining the lives of Abraham Isaac Jacob Anne Moses. The Bible tells us in the New Testament that Israel is our example to follow. We are to learn from the tribes of Israel. We are to learn from their successes and their mistakes.

It's time to advance

The way we learn from the tribes of Israel is revealed in James Chapter 4 vs 6-8. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble." But He gives more grace. Therefore submit to God. Resists the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify hearts, you double-minded. God wants us to submit to Him. As we learn to submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will draw closer to us. Drawing closer to God is vital. This decision not to draw closer to God would ultimately cost the Israelites the loving relationship that the Lord desired from them. He still loved them, but they were the ones to keep him at a distance through fear.

Let us learn from their mistakes and become lovers of the Godhead. This relationship will help us trust the Lord as he leads us into our promised land experience. To God be the glory in Jesus name.




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